Friday, January 11, 2013

Fun Hand Print Pillow! (Kids Craft)

{We haven't moved yet which is why I have internet, the move will happen this weekend though}

This is kind of an old post. I took these pictures forever ago and meant to post it but lost the pictures in a folder in my computer, recently found them, and assumed better late posting then never. The beautiful little boy smiling with his eyes closed in this picture is my nephew, I love him!

He is 4 & he loved this activity. He had a blast.
It's so simple & so fun!!
This is a great activity to do with your kids or nephews, they will love it and it is a memory & a pillowcase you can cherish forever!!

Paint (in different colors)
Plain White Pillowcases
Child :)

First I put paint in three different colors on some foam plates & laid out 2 plain white pillow cases on the table at the nephews reach.

Then you just let them have fun with it. Miguel LOVED it.

Don't forget to sign it with their name (if they cant sign their own name) & date it so you can look back at these cute pillowcases & remember the sweet age they were at when they made these!

Yeah these were made in June, that's how behind I am on posting this one! But again I repeat, better late then never!

He was so proud!!

This would be cute to put on pillows and set out in the kids room or on their bed.

I had someone trying to get in the shot while taking pictures, isn't she adorable?!

Anyways, hope you all liked this activity, I know Miguel did and I think they turned out soo cute!

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