Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cheap & Easy Change Saving Bank!

So I know I know, It's like I've forgotten all about Halloween & Thanksgiving and went straight to preparing for Christmas..but Christmas is a big deal in my family so I have to prepare early in order to get everything done without having to stress all during the holiday season.  Christmas is a little over 2 months away!

My hubs inspired this project, If you've read my about me you know he's all "money money money" but is the absolute worst person for managing money I have EVER seen in MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! He loves to save change, but like I said he's the worst with money so it never stays saved long. 

I got an idea to keep from stressing, What if we started a change bank at the beginning of every year to save change all year long to pay for Christmas presents, but it's a little too late to be thinking of that now huh? So I am going to start a mini-version. Today I am showing you how I made a super simple (not sophisticated at all) bank to save change in over the next 2 months! The way the hubs brings change home and just throws a pile of change on the table, I should have a ton saved in no time!

Spray Paint (or if you would rather decorate it with scrapbook paper)

The hubs is also a collector of bottles, yep you heard me right BOTTLES! Anything that he buys that comes in a bottle, you better believe the bottle will end up in a pile in my bedroom. He likes to reuse the bottles. It drives me crazy because it looks so messy, so every so often I go and throw a few of his bottles away (he never even notices) But i keep a few for him to keep reusing, but he doesn't need 50 bottles!!
These are the bottles I let him keep after my last clean-out!

1. Pick your Bottle! I just used a simple Powerade bottle, It kinda had a cool shape.

2. Remove Label & Clean your bottle out! This is as easy as it sounds, rip the label off & clean out the inside of your bottle. Let it dry completely (you don't want gross wet change) sorry no pics but honestly, do you need them? this step is super easy!

3. Spray Paint & Decorate your bottle! You can decorate it however you want, I really wanted to decorate mine with christmas-y scrapbook paper but I DID NOT decorate mine, I just spray painted it solid gold with some craft spray paint...I didnt decorate it only because I don't want hubby to actually know what I'm doing with it, if he knows I'm saving his change for him he will want to spend it on Red Bull (oh did I mention he's a Red Bull fanatic).  Which is why I spray painted it, so he couldn't see inside. Seeing the change and how much you have tempts you to want to get it out. (Maybe after Christmas though when I talk him into starting a big bank for next Christmas I can decorate it Christmas themed.)

4. Start saving your change in your new bank. Anytime you find a little change in the laundry, or on the floor while cleaning, or in the bottom of your purse just drop it in your handy little bank and the money will add up in no time!


  1. Cute idea Ashley, I'm loving your cute and cheap ideas xo

    1. I'm all about cheap & cute, I think that's the two best qualities a DIY project can have!! Next time I'll definitely be decorating it a little cuter though, but I thought this was a cute, cheap, fast, and easy for now! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog & commenting!! I appreciate it so much! :)

  2. Nice way to remember to save up!! I see your comment about making it cuter, you could tie a Christmas ribbon around it to spice it up and make you remember Christmas! :)

    1. Thank you that is a great idea!! Give it a lil Christmas flare!! :)

  3. What a cute and original idea! Thanks for sharing at Keep Calm and Link Up!
    Barbara at Chase the Star
    chasethestar dot net
