Monday, October 1, 2012

A DIY Christmas!

So lately I've had Christmas on the brain! I know I know, Halloween hasn't even come yet, you think I don't know how crazy I am? But there are less than 3 months til Christmas, LESS THAN! I usually like to start my Christmas shopping early to get a head start so it doesn't get stressful & overwhelming come December when I should be enjoying the holiday season.

This year I will  more then likely be making most of my gifts (gotta be on the cheap since were trying to fix our house and we don't have a very big budget, but we have a very long Christmas list). So I am just informing you guys ahead of time that you will start seeing gifts being made soon, it's time to get my ball on a roll.

So for the next 2 1/2 to 3 months I will more than likely be posting some DIY Christmas Gift Ideas, & maybe even some DIY decorations!  It's hard to decorate since where we are staying is temporary until we fix our place so I haven't really got to decorate at all, but I might make a few small decoration things for the holidays, but it will mostly be gifts! I'm so excited & I hope you guys are too.

                 This Christmas Planner can be found at The Scrap Shoppe Blog! 
I was going to start a Christmas Planner, but just decided to add a Christmas section into my family binder instead to stay organized this holiday season. But if you want to make a one, I seen this Christmas planner that I LOVED. It was a great inspiration, Check out The Christmas Planner Here at The Scrap Shoppe!

Here come's Santa Claus, Here come's Santa Claus, Right down Santa Claus Lane!!!
La La La La, Lala Lalala, LA LA LALALA!
Yep that's right, I'm one of those! I'm one of those crazy Christmas freaks that once it starts getting chilly I start talking nothing but Christmas, wear Christmas sweaters, make fun days out of wrapping presents, paint my nails in Christmas colors, and sings Christmas Carols like ALL the time! I actually this past week made a Christmas playlist to listen to, to keep me in the spirit (which isn't hard to do). & Here's a pic of my nails from last Christmas
My 2011 Christmas Nails!

So tune in for some possible gift ideas on the cheap!! We'll have a very DIY Christmas together!
*I'm dreaminggg of a DIYYYYYY Christmassss! One where the gifts are all handmadeeeee*

Are you starting to feel bad for the hubs?? You should be! Haha, he's such a scrooge! Bah Humbug!

View DIY Christmas gifts below:  (I'll add more as I make them)
Hand painted Wine Glass Set
More coming soon...


  1. I love Christmas! It is never to early to start planning! Thanks for linking up to the CHQ blog hop! Hope to see you back again next week!

    1. I know right I love to start planning early. I love linking up to parties & blog hops, thanks for hosting!

  2. Hooray for Christmas! I try and have most of my shopping/making done by Thanksgiving so that those few weeks between, we can just do Christmas baking, and fun activities rather than worry about rushing around last minute. I'm happy to have found another fanatic!

    1. Oh my goodness YES! I am definitely a Christmas fanatic, its all that's been on my brain lately. That's exactly how I like it, get the shopping & making done early so you actually enjoy the holiday season & not stress it the whole time like everyone else always does. Your blog looks very cute, I'm definitely gonna take the time to sit & browse through it. :)

  3. I'm also SO excited for Christmas. I usually get started early too. Now is a great time to start looking for deals on groupon and living social to!

    1. I am a crazy Christmas Robot, once I get into the Christmas mode its on & I can't be stopped...I just get so excited and all the project possibilities are endless! :) Thanks again for stopping by!

  4. I can't start planning early enough! I love, love, love Christmas! Thanks for joining the party at Keep Calm and Link Up! Come back again this Thursday night!
    Barbara at Chase the Star
    chasethestar dot net

    1. I tend to always get a jump start so I can enjoy the holiday season! Love the linky partys! Thanks for stopping by & Commenting :)
