Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer's flying by!

I cannot believe Summer has flown by so fast. I procrastinated most of the summer & regret that I didn't get to enjoy it. In a blink of an eye while saying, oh ill do that later this summer, summer has flown by right before my eyes. I haven't been able to do any fun projects because I'm basically living out of boxes in the basement. I spent part of the summer moving. Basically of all the summer the only fun I had was I went fishing twice & I've been swimming twice. Jeez I'm lacking in the fun department, what kind of summer is this? It's already August, I can't believe it.  That means my birthday is coming up in a few weeks but I'm just dreading summer ending, then it will be winter & I will be praying for summer to come back. So Hopefully all of you make the best of your summer & enjoy what few weeks we got left. Gosh its a depressing thought. But summer I will miss you!

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