Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome Back + Updates!!

Guess who's back, back, back...back again, in, in....the princess is back, back, back...tell a friend!
Sorry that was my gangsta rap breakdown! Gosh I love me some Eminem......uhm ANYWAYS!

I am indeed back. I have been gone FOREVER!!!!! Almost a month but I swear it's felt like longer. But no worries I am back and hopefully to stay.  I helped my mother move, while me & the hubs was also moving. But after the move the hubs got sent out of state for storm work to help out some towns who had been hit by the bad storms that had been hitting lately. So while he was gone out of town I spent a lil over a week with my mom to help her get settled in and unpacked at her place. Because of that I didn't come home til the day before yesterday and haven't unpacked a thing!! However we are not unpacking all of our things only enough to last us maybe a few months because we plan in the next week or so to really start on our place we bought FINALLY!! Which means I need to hurry and get that BEFORE home tour up so I can update you guys on what we are doing as we are doing it. So be looking for that super soon! But I finished unpacking a few months worth of stuff the last 2 days so now I am ready to re-enter the blog world, If I still know how (its been so long lol.) But I just wanted to say sorry I was gone longer then I thought but I'm back & ready to get this ball rolling!!! Stay Tuned!!

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