Sunday, May 20, 2012

Misfits Skull Cake!

So my sister's boyfriends birthday is the 29th, but he is going on a week long camping trip and she wanted me to "help" her make him a cake this past week. the reason i say "help" in quotation marks is because I did THE WHOLE THING! While she played with the babies. But it was fun & I feel like it turned out pretty good, better then I expected anyways. He is in love with the band the Misfits and he has all kinds of stuff with the skull on it. So that's what she wanted. This wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. I made a stencil & cut it out so I know it would look as close to the original skull as possible. So this is not a tutorial but just pictures or what the cake was supposed to look like and how it turned out!! Here it is:

My mom wrote on the cupcakes! LOL

We got a cake box from walmart so she wouldn't ruin it takin home.
It was pretty fun to make!

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