Tuesday, April 10, 2012

DIY Grandma Sign!

So I seen something similar to this on Pinterest but it had no link, it was uploaded by user =(. However when I seen it I thought of my mom immediately. She loves baking and cooking so the cupcake reminded me of her and she is a grandma so naturally she come to my mind. Sooo, I decided to make one of my own for her and best part is I already had all the supplies it took to make it. YAY! So Let's Go...

Supplies Needed:
 *A sign or piece of wood.  Mine come from the dollar tree a long time ago I got it for $1, it was a luau decoration. The back was plain, so I just painted on the back side of it so if my mom ever decides to have a luau she can flip it over and she will still have a sign for it lol.  

*Paint.  In whatever colors you choose, I used lime green, light pink, and white. I just used cheap acrylic paint from walmart.

*Paint Brushes. hopefully I don't need to explain why but you will need small ones to get the details of the thin lettering and medium ones for the background.

*Pen & Paper. To write out what you are going to put on it.
1. First I figured out how much space I had to put my wording. To do this I just took some plain white paper and put the wood on it and traced it only as much space as I wanted the letters to take up.

2. Next I Drew out what I wanted. I tend to pick out fonts on the computer and draw them to save ink on my printer cause I am the cheapest person you will ever meet. However it would probably be alot easier to just print out what you want on it.

3. Next Place it where you want it on your wood or sign & tape it so it stays in place. 

4. Next I trace the words onto the wood using THIS TUTORIAL

5. Next I started painting. (I probably should have painted the background color before I traced the words on but I didnt and had to try and trace around all the words with the paint so yeah, heads up lol) I painted by background Pink, Then I filled in the words with white. (Fun fact: I was out of white paint so I used white Nail Polish that I paid $1. It worked just fine.) Then I made the cupcake Icing Lime Green!

6. Your Done! Let dry & Hang! I am actually probably going to take my mod podge SPRAY clear sealer and spray over it to seal it in good, but this is how it turned out. I hope you all enjoy this, I know my family did & now I have 2 make 2 more for gifts for mother's day! lol



  1. This is so cute! A great idea for mother's day too. I'd love it if you'd come share this at my link party going on right now at Whimsy Wednesdays .
