Wednesday, January 11, 2012

DIY Coming Soon

I have a better camera for taking pictures now then I did before, so hopefully my pictures of my projects & maybe tutorials will be better looking and easier to see. But that was not the point of this blog post.
My mom's birthday is coming up in just a few weeks & all she wants is for everyone 2 give her cash 2 buy herself a laptop since her computer has been tearing up. But I wouldnt feel right just giving her cash so i have decided to try & DIY some presents for her 2 go along with the money so Im not spending hardly any money but she's still getting gifts & i can give her money as a gift as well (which i actually plan to origami the money so it will be like another present not just throwin her cash)

So Im not going to reveal what I have been thinking about making her since of course they might not work out or something so we will see.

Much Love from,
The Hillbilly Princess

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