Saturday, May 14, 2011

Diy personalized bridal party wine glasses!

Another easy cheap DIY doneee!!! I thought since the bridal party & their significant others will all be together at special tables reserved just for them i could give them a little something. So i painted the names (or nicknames) of everyone on a glass that i plan to set out on their tables. they can use it the day of the wedding and keep as a little gift as my way of saying thank you! Total cost: (ALL TOGETHER) $2.24.
they are plastic ($1 for 6 glasses @ dollar tree), painted with acrylic paint i already had, decorated with white ribbon i already had (but im probably gonna change the ribbon and put blue & orange ribbon on it)
there's alot but thats because all the bridal party AND their significant others are all getting one so no one feels left out.  Happy Saturday!!

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